Sunday, April 14, 2013

ramin delavari immigration service is a fraud company Internet, California
*Consumer Comment: Ramin Delavari IS A THIEF and Criminal
ramin  delavary  is not a lawyer and what he he is doing is illigal  to provid immigration service for iranian people  he riped  off my fiend in iran for 2000$   promissed him to get a visa to  america but his application was denied  and  he keeped all the money  and do not snswer calls any more he screen  calls that he wants to answer or the new  victims which is unfair for pooor iranian that need help to com to america   i  read he riped off   another  iranian for 15000$  for just to tel  her how to apply for student visa  even the real lawyers donot charge anythige close to this price for  one hour work  i read he originaly asked for 30.000$ .  is this  how the system of justice work in america  alowing him to continew  cheeting the peopple
Mr. Delavari.
In California you are required to maintain an Immigration Consulant Surity Bond pursuant to Section 22443.1(e) of the Business and Professions Code. You DO NOT possess that bond, therefore you are operating ILLEGALLY in the State.
I recommend to the victim of your scam to contact the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office Bureau of Investigation at 210 West Temple Street, Rm. 17-1102
Los Angeles, CA. 90012. Phone: (213) 974-3612.
 They have a special unit of investigators who work ONLY on cases such as this one and would like nothing more than to put Mr Delavari in JAIL.
You may also file a lawsuit in Small Claims court to recover your money. Refer to the above B&P section when presenting your case. You have a cause of action for fraud and I also recommend you sue for TRIPLE DAMAGES based on that fraud against the company and Mr Delavari PERSONALLY.
So much for your mail-order law degree loser
Mr  Delavari  you wanted Iranian  like your  brother  @ sister to know   who you realy are franklly i do,t know  about other people complain  you   have been arrested  by los angeles  police for felony  in los angeles california on jun. 24. 2007   @ convicted as a felon case #AG1374501309 can you still call  the iranian as your brother @ sister while you are ripping them .how can you deffend your self. I dont know about your competion or any other victim, peopple that they put there trust in you are not aware  of who you really are. here is the proof what do you have to say now.are you  going to find me  and beat me as you said in your rebuttal.
Mr. Delavari is a liar and a thief. Now he has moved on to the Afghan comunity, He scams people and takes thier money and then tells them he does not know them. He has done that to me, he took $2500 from me and now refuses to know who I am. His employees and phone number keeps changing.

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